Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break - Day 345, & 6!

No, that's not a typo.  It really is Day 345...because days 345 all blended in together.  I can't believe I've already hit the halfway point without doing anything fun!  This is blasphemy!  That's OK though, because I expect the rest of my spring break to pick up at a nice pace.  That is, once I finish my take-home test. -_-  That thing has been haunting me even before break started.  sigh.

St. Patrick's Day.

Probably the most productive day I've had all year so far.  Went paintballing and then finished my test an hour before the deadline!  Thank god I didn't turn it in last minute because the Blackboard clock is one minute faster than my comp's.  hohoho.

The gang.

At first the place seemed really shady because it was someone's house; they literally had a field in their backyard.  But it was fun.  haha I got sooo into it.  In one game I successfully attacked a hiding place and running in with my gun pointed I was yelling "DO YOU SURRENDER?!  DO YOU SURRENDER?!," just like in the movies.  ahahaha.  Paintball is also definitely recommended for those who want a good workout.  Holding a gun for a long period of time trains the arms and having to constantly drop, kneel, duck, and sprint to avoid being painfully splattered with paint is good for the thighs and butt.  Now I'm having trouble going up the stairs like an old granny.

1 comment:

Jen said...

i think your before / after labels are mixed up?