Tuesday, December 29, 2009

di di di...

Mood:  Wang Lee Hom | Chun Yu Li Xi Guo De Tai Yang | 春雨裡洗過的太陽

Credits to Chromasia

aaaah.....so refreshing to listen to the rain.  Today's rain sounds quite lively.  Probably because the rain just got harder.  haha.  Although the weather outside is bleak, that's OK, 'cause ma spirits are HIGH!  wheeeee! Another highly unproductive day.  *happy sigh*  So already break is halfway done, and yet these are the only things I've managed to accomplish:
  • Eat.  A lot.
  • Shop.  A lot.
  • Bond with my bed.  A lot.
I guess I did accomplish my goal to be completely relaxed and unproductive during the break.  lolll.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


WARNING: This is a fan girl post :)
Super Junior M - Super Girl >CLiCK<

I'm really too old to be doing this, but *fan girl squeal* Oh. My. God. The existence of Super Junior M has solidified my dream to go back to Taiwan and act as a translator for a TV station LOL. Although I thought that that one guy with the high-pitched voice (Ryeo Wook is it? Still trying to learn names... ^^;;) was kinda annoying in the MV, he's really cute on the TV shows and stuff. Actually, all of them are :) I can't be biased anymore about who to like >_<  Gawd, wish I were in Taiwan in February since they're going to have a concert then.  Hopefully, I'll have a chance to see them in the future!  *crosses fingers*

Kyu Hyun.  He was soo adorable on 娛樂百分百!  He was zoning out for a lot of it and got picked on for it.  His embarrassed reaction was just too cute!  Plus he has a baby face ;)

Han Geng.  I think he was the one that caught my eye first.  Actually, I was looking for him first because he's the Chinese member of SJ.  It was weird seeing him speak on TV...he has a China accent haha.  More manly.....definitely my type haha.

Zhou Mi.  He looks Kang Ta-ish at some angles I realize now, after sifting through a couple of pics.  100% 美男子.  You'll melt when u see him with glasses  ;) 

Dong Hae.  The flirt xD  Likes to say random things in Chinese..much like I do in Korean haha.  He was one of the ones to first catch my eye too because he has ramen hair.  haha.  I kept mistaking him for Han Geng.  He looks Chinese to me at first glance. *shrug*

Si Won.  His performance in Spring Waltz was really memorable.  Imagine my surprise when I saw him debut as SJ!  He's also an incredibly fast-thinker.  Definitely has the 綜藝 talent because 他很會接話!  Him catching on to the Korean joke was funny.

Henry Lau.  So, in the beginning I thought all the boys in SJM were from the original SJ.  But I was wrong!  Henry's the "violin boy" as I know him from the soompi thread haha.  He seems to be a really cute guy..and he has 瞇瞇眼 xD  kawaaaaaiii!

Ryeo Wook.  ahahahaha it was soo funny when he mimicked Han Geng when asking for the waiter.  It was literally the EXACT same, in a perfect mainland China accent.  He's a cutie too.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Uncontrollable shopaholic...yikes!

So, I totally thought that I ran out of things to buy. Like seriously, my CC bill was $500 (pre-Black Friday too!) and then my December bill won't be a disappointment either; probably around $300. I go to the mall, and I've seen everything so often that I can basically rebuild each store for you. Yet now I'm finding things to buy...again! Definitely not good. So here's my list:

1. A snood. This is like, my favorite word right now. Snood, snood, snood. It just sounds so....cool! And I like the idea of it too. Usually I have tons of problems with scarves (though I love them to death) because I can never drape them in a nice way like they do in dramas and fashion magazines. But with snoods, it doesn't matter! You just circle it how many times you want around your neck, and voila! Style a la carte.

2. A pair of versatile pumps. I realized that I don't own a pair of black pumps. Odd, isn't it? *laughs* The only black pair of heels I wear are my interview ones, which are totally to McCombs standard and totally not up to a-night-out standards.

3. These babies.

Honestly, I never would have given these a second glance if it wasn't because the first time I saw them someone was actually wearing them. I'd think "that flower looks tacky" and continue on my way. But, on Black Friday I saw a black chick trying them on at Macy's. Instantly fell in love with them. Except they're too pricey >_< Hopefully they'll still be around for the after x-mas sales. *crosses fingers*

4. An outfit that matches my sparkly silver Wonder Girl tights. I bought them a year ago and keep wanting to wear them just because they're so fun, but alas, I have yet to find something to match them. Perhaps...a chiffon skirt with a cute tee? blehh...dunno. I'm determined to wear them this season though! In time for New Year's would be even better ;)

5. A cowl-neck sweater. Or just a sweater that's awesomely comfy, soft, long, drapey, and a cool neck line. Something that'll put me in the winter mood :)

6. Warm socks. I think I'm picking up on your obsession, Steph! Although not toe socks. lol. Just some cute socks that are warm, because I realize that my feet get cold very easily, and our apt is always freeeeeeezing.

7. A moisturizer that does its job. The winter dryness has definitely been harsh on my already dry skin. I keep wanting to put this purchase off in anticipation of the free gift season, but I don't think I'll be able to, unless I want parched skin.

yeah...New Year's resolution will definitely have to be to keep shopping under $50. boo :'(

Afterthoughts on My Sister's Keeper

So after a strong recommendation on Eva's behalf and the attraction that the book's storyline attracts- a sister conceived with only one mission, to help her sister live, I finally pick up and read My Sister's Keeper. Surprisingly, I finished it in a day. I love the Harry Potter series to death, and I don't think I was able to finish the first few in such a record time; although that probably doesn't mean much.

The first thing I have to rave about is the amount of typos in the damn book. It was RIDICULOUS, the number! I felt like there was a typo in every section of the book. And they weren't simple typos like "hsa" or something, it was like spelling perv "pret" or the like. It was grievously and blatantly wrong to the point where it interfered with my reading. Which is definitely annoying when you're feverishly skimming through the book so you can get to the beefy part, the ending. They seriously paid that editor for nothing. Also, the perspectives style she used reminded me of Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. Other than that, I think the only reason this book stands out is because of the obvious moral and ethical dilemma it presents. Although I must give credit to the author of thinking of such a fabulously dramatic storyline. And the ending! What a surprise. *shrug* Well, at least it wasn't terrible and didn't make the book a complete waste of my time.

Campbell's also definitely one hot lawyer. And gawd did the movie screw that part up. Here's a picture of the movie-version Campbell:

He looks like the BA324 prof that I had. Definitely not hot. Nor young. Nor the badass and dashing womanizer that Campbell should be. I wonder, is there a common point between all the male leads that I'm attracted to in books and dramas? Let's see, well I guess a common point is that they're all deficient in something. And probably cowards. No, I take that back. Darcy wasn't a coward; quite the opposite. Nor was Min-hyung from Winter Sonata and Lee Kyung Min from On Air. But they definitely had deficiencies. Darcy was overly protective of those dear to him, Min-hyung hadn't ever truly loved, and Lee Kyung Min had fragile self-esteem because of his economic status. Meh, I guess it proves the saying that you love someone despite them being imperfect? Or that you love everything about someone, even their imperfections? Something like that. And, I guess if someone does just so happen to be perfect, then they must be the most boring ever and you would never be interested in them. Ever.

Friday, December 18, 2009


哇。。。今天的超準耶! 那麼,我想這個寒假你應該可以在麥當勞或Burger King 看到我的身影,在等待著奇蹟。哈哈!

獅子座 07/23 - 08/22 特性 : 熱情誇張





還有這個這個! 超準的!





A) 情人節
B) 農曆新年
C) 家人,朋友,或情人的生日
D) 聖誕節




P.S - font size problem has been taken into consideration ;) Just need some time to figure out how to get it bigger. Until then, ctrl + is my advice. lol.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



說謊 (click for MV)

是有過幾個不錯對象 說起來並不寂寞孤單
可能我浪蕩 讓人家不安 才會 結果都陣亡
我沒有什麼陰影魔障 妳千萬不要放在心上
我又不脆弱 何況那算什麼傷 反正愛情不就都這樣

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊 妳懂我的 我對妳從來就不會假裝
我哪有說謊 請別以為妳有多難忘 笑是真的不是我逞強

我好久沒來這間餐廳 沒想到已經換了裝潢
角落那窗口 聞得到玫瑰花香 被妳一說是有些印象

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊 妳知道的 我缺點之一就是很健忘
我哪有說謊 是很感謝今晚的相伴 但我竟然有些不習慣

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊 愛一個人 沒愛到難道就會怎麼樣
別說我說謊 人生已經如此的艱難 有些事情就不要拆穿

我沒有說謊 是愛情說謊 它帶妳來 騙我說 渴望的有可能有希望
我沒有說謊 祝妳做個幸福的新娘

最近我的hito歌曲是林宥嘉的[說謊]。詞寫得很生活化,但是因為這樣,就覺得特別有畫面,也有很多句真是唱到我的心聲。很多人說分手時最爛的理由之一是"因為我個人的問題","是我自己不夠好",等諸如此類的答案,也因此會懷疑提分手的人是不是在說謊。但是,真的,何必呢? 都到要分手的關頭了,又何必有什麼隱藏? 所以當其他人誤會這種很誠實的答案,我會一頭霧水,也有點氣。明明就是因為我有問題或你有問題才會要提分手的呀,笨蛋! "反正愛情不就都這樣" 唄! 沒有輸贏,有失有得。

哈哈,如果有一天我對男友提分手,而要分手的原因是"因為愛情說謊" 不曉的他會哭還是笑呢? 哈哈,想到那畫面就覺得有趣。

and for fun, since lately I've been rewatching Winter Sonata :)