Saturday, May 1, 2010

A fresh beginning

Mood:  Leo Ku - Like
Weather:  cloudy and cool.

It was fate!  I was supposed to be up earlier than 10 (9:30, to be precise), but I ended up sleeping in until 10.  Thank god I check my email first thing in the mornings though, or else I would have missed the Ruelala Havianas boutique!  (If you want an invite, click here.  What is Ruelala?  Online boutique that sells name brand stuff for basically half the price.)  I've been wanting a pair of Havianas for a while because I borrowed my roommate's flip flips once (I suspect they were Havianas) and they were soooooo comfy.  A totally different experience than cheap ON flip flops.  I know I said that I'm trying to steer away from flip flops, but honestly, they're just a necessity sometimes.  What are you gonna wear when you go to the beach?  Flip flops.  What are you gonna wear when you're dashing through the door and forgot socks and obviously can't wear heels?  Flip flops.  You get the point :)

$20 for two pairs; not a shabby deal at all since one pair costs $18 + tax.  Except shipping.  gahhhh.  The one bad thing about these online boutiques is that shipping costs an arm and a leg.  blehhh.  And choosing which design to buy was such a hard decision!  I finally narrowed it to these:

Left:  "Metallics" Right:  "Fresh"

Since Havianas are known to have awkward sizing, I'll do a post on them when I get it in the mail (expected delivery date May 14th).  

On another note, I'm getting my hair cut today, finally!  I'm excited :)

[[edit]]  WOW, and I completely didn't realize that it's already May!  April just wooshed by.  And what a fitting post title.  haha.

1 comment:

Jen said...

haha. so my old roommate bought me a pair of Havianas and told me that they're ridiculously cheap in Brazil and Americans are getting ripped off... like... 10x mark up here!