Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Pudgy Day

Word of the day:  pudgy.

Just us being "pudgy," as Julie's mom puts it.  Quite fitting, I believe.  Because we did indeed have a pudgy day of idleness :)  It was great!  And having Amy's ice cream when it's like 40 degrees outside?  Even better.

Demonstration of how to be pudgy.

The newest member of the family: --  (Just realized we don't have a name for it yet. lol.  Suggestions?)

My eyes!  jk jk.  I know, I have awesome taste :D

Be on the look out for a 22-year old Chinese female walking around the Austin area in a bling bling purple beret.  Please comment if you see her around town!  She'd be wonderfully embarrassed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahah. yes, do come up for a name for 'it'. and no, no one needs to suffer from blinding purple caps.