Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Supposed to be studying for my MIS exam that I know completely nothing of, but you know the drill :P  So sad that I can't take part in the beautiful weather today with a cute outfit :( 

But anyway, I was supposed to be on a diet for my upcoming recital, but that has been an epic failure with midterms (and therefore exponentially larger stomach) and my dear mother.  This has been my meal for like the past week:

Fudd's buns, red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and mozzarella cheese.

yom yom yom.  Yay for "dieting"!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Yom, that looks delicious!

And those lace up booties have become my fav! So comfy!

You can find more info about the crawl here:
There's a map and a list of stores.

Also, you can follow the twitter for the event to get updated on exactly where we are the entire day:

Or just call me!