Friday, July 9, 2010

Uh-oh, spaghetti-O!

Man, just as I was about to get into the habit of blogging everyday, the world ends - literally.  My computer has caught a very, very nasty virus, and therefore is currently very, very ill.  So ill that not only will Windows load properly anymore, but that I will most likely have to go to the extreme and erase everything.  Which means that I'll lose all my pictures that I've taken this past year.  Not to mention the 16,000+ songs that I've collected over the years, too.   >____<

begin rant/ And ARRGHH...I feel SO STUPID.  Before it got this bad, I totally should have done a system restore.  But nooooo....because Tiff's stupid she totally didn't think about it.  RAWR.  AND I could've backed up all my shit when the comp was still functional...  RAWR.  ok /end rant.

*sighh*  trying to numb the in the meantime, please forgive me for the lack of posts.  In the meantime, something inspirational:

Don't play with fire.  Because it will own you and you will burrrrrrrrrn.

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